About Us

About Morse Key
Morse Key Ltd was established by a systems engineering consultant working in the Defence industry and was also an ex-Royal Navy Communications & Information Systems Subject Matter Expert, with proven delivery in a number of major maritime ‘Category A’ projects, including Queen Elizabeth Aircraft (QEC) carriers and the Type 26 Global Combat Ship (T26 GCS).
We work with a wide range of Industry and Defence consultancy companies including; Thales, BAE Systems, General Dynamics, NSSL, Airbus, STS Defence, Rohde & Schwarz, L3, Ultra, Viasat, Frazer Nash, SNXP, QinetiQ, BMT, The IP Company, EID.
We also work very closely with the serving MOD and senior military Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Army System Engineers and Cyber experts including; Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S), DSTL (Defence Science & Technology Laboratory); Defence Digital (DD), Defence Assurance & Information Security (DAIS), Crypto Services for Defence (CSD), Cryptographic Enabling Services (CES), Battlefield and Tactical Communications & Information Systems (BATCIS), National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), GCHQ and Front Line Commands (FLCs) including Navy Command Headquarters (NCHQ). We are therefore in an enviable position to understand future requirements and can assist in many specialist project areas covering all three military services. The following are just some examples; Maritime Network Evolution (MNE), QEC Class Aircraft Carriers, Type 26 (T26) T31e (Type 31-export – Frigate)), Maritime Solid Support (MSS) (Royal Fleet Auxiliary)), MODNET, MORPHEUS, New Style of IT (NSoIT), Defence As A Platform (DaaP), Ship Alongside System 2 (SAS2), High Grade Messaging (HGM), Maritime Multi-Media (MMM), Future Beyond Line of Site (FBLOS), Next Generation Maritime Terminal (NGMT), Aquilla (Air Traffic Management Service) (Project Marshall).
We also provide support to other overseas projects, such as; T26 variants of the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC), Australian Hunter Class and German frigate MKS 180 (Mehrzweckkampfschiff 180). Also, Morse Key associates working overseas, such as; in Thales Netherlands to assist with Network, Cyber and Security Management Systems for their Naval Portfolio.
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